1.1 "SYSTEM" - information and analytical system "CryptoMention", license № 2021610216, date of state registration in the Register of Computer Programs on January 12, 2021, consisting of specialized software "CryptoMention", designed for statistical and analytical processing of unstructured texts, and a social media database. Exclusive rights to the SYSTEM belong to the LICENSEE

1.2.  The terms "use" or "usage" refer to access and use of the functional capacities of the System to retrieve analytical and other data. The methods and terms of Use of the System are set forth in Article 4 of this Agreement.


2.1.  In accordance with the terms of this Agreement LICENSEE grants the USER the right to use the SYSTEM on the terms of a simple (non-exclusive) license, as specified in Art. 4 of the Agreement, for the term and territory specified in the Agreement, without granting the Licensee the right to transfer to other persons the right to use the SYSTEM under sublicense agreements.

2.2.  Access to the SYSTEM is provided online via the Internet at  using the required number of usernames (logins) and passwords in the manner and on the terms and conditions provided for in this Agreement.


3.1.  LICENSEE agrees that:

3.1.1. Grant to the USER the right to use the SYSTEM on the terms and conditions according to the Specification, which is Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement;

3.1.2.  Provide access parameters (login, password) necessary to organize access to the SYSTEM under this Agreement;

3.1.3. Issue invoices to the USER for the right to use the SYSTEM to the account specified by the USER.

3.2.  LICENSEE has the right to:

3.2.1.  Terminate the Agreement unilaterally in accordance with Articles 4 and 9.

3.3.  The USER undertakes to:

3.3.1.  Timely and fully pay the invoices issued by LICENSEE under this Agreement in the manner and amount determined by Article 6 of the Agreement;

3.3.2.  Use the SYSTEM within the limits of those rights and those ways which are provided by the present Agreement, to observe the order of use of the SYSTEM, established by article 4 of the Agreement.

3.4.  The USER shall have the right to:

3.4.1. Demand recalculation of the fee for the right to use the SYSTEM or refund of the funds paid for the use of the SYSTEM during the period of no access to the SYSTEM through the fault of LICENSEE, in accordance with clause 9.2 of this Agreement.


4.1.  The USER shall have the right to use the System on the number of accesses and to the extent set forth in the Specification, which is Annex No. 1 to this Agreement.

4.2 The USER agrees to use the SYSTEM exclusively within the company. The USER shall not be entitled to transfer the information from the System to third parties by any means, including, but not limited to, by posting it on the Internet. The exceptions to this rule are LICENSEE's analytical materials, namely charts, tables with comparative analysis, numerical indices, ratings, geo-information maps, matrices, statistical series and other reports, the reference to which is allowed for non-commercial purposes, with obligatory indication of LICENSEE as the source of the said materials. The USER undertakes not to distort the content and meaning of such materials.

4.3 The USER undertakes not to provide access to the System to third parties, including, but not limited to, by transferring to third parties the parameters of access to the System.

4.4 The USER is entitled to extract materials from the System without LICENSOR's permission and to use them for personal, scientific, educational and other non-commercial purposes to the extent justified by the said purposes and insofar as such actions do not violate the copyright of LICENSOR and other persons.

4.5 The parties have agreed that the USER has the right not to provide LICENSEE with written or other reports on the use of the SYSTEM.

4.6 The use of the SYSTEM in violation of the terms of this Agreement shall be considered a violation of the current copyright law and shall be sufficient grounds to deprive the USER of the rights granted to the SYSTEM. 5.


5.1 LICENSEE may provide additional services to the USER regarding preparation of information and analytical reports related to the analysis and monitoring of mass media and social media. In this case, the PARTIES shall conclude an additional agreement defining the specification of the services, the cost of the services, the procedure for their provision and payment.


6.1 The value of the right to use the SYSTEM granted to the LICENSEE under the present Agreement, payment terms and procedure are defined in the Appendices to the present Agreement.

6.2 All payments under this Agreement shall be made in non-cash form in Russian rubles (RUB). The date of fulfillment of the USER's payment obligation shall be the date of receipt of funds to LICENSEE's bank account.


7.1 The period of right to use the SYSTEM is stipulated in Appendix 1 to this Agreement.

7.2 The moment of granting the right to use the SYSTEM is the date of granting the USER access parameters (login, password) to the SYSTEM. The login and password are sent to the USER by email.


8.1.  On the last calendar day of the final month of the PERIOD, LICENSEE shall prepare and within 5 (Five) business days send to the USER for review and signing 2 (Two) copies of the Statement on granting non-exclusive right to use the System (hereinafter - the Statement).

8.2 Within 5 (Five) business days from the day of receipt of the Act, the USER shall sign the Act and send 1 (One) copy to LICENSEE.

8.3 If the USER fails to comply with the terms of clause 8.2. 8.2. 8.3. If the USER fails to comply with the terms of clause 8.2 of the Agreement, the right to use the SYSTEM shall be deemed granted and accepted by LICENSEE and the Act shall be signed by the USER.


9.1 For non-execution or improper execution of their obligations under this Agreement the PARTIES shall be liable in accordance with the applicable law.

9.2 Interruptions in the USER's access to the system, caused by LICENSEE during the period of the USER's right to use the system under the Agreement, shall be recorded by the USER and sent to LICENSEE with a written complaint, describing the problem. Upon confirmation of the validity of the USER's claim, LICENSEE's technical service shall recalculate the cost of access to the SYSTEM in proportion to the time during which the SYSTEM was unavailable due to LICENSEE's fault.

9.3 In case the USER violates the procedure of using the System, stipulated by article 4 of this Agreement, the USER shall compensate LICENSEE for all documented losses caused by it. However, LICENSEE has the right to immediately terminate the Agreement unilaterally if the violation has not been eliminated by the USER within five (5) days of LICENSEE's written complaint.

9.4. LICENSEE has the right to suspend the USER's access to the System in case the latter violates payment obligations set forth in this Agreement and its Appendices, until the USER fulfills its payment obligations.

9.5 A claim for compensation under this Agreement shall be made in writing. In the absence of a duly filed claim, compensation shall not be accrued and shall not be paid.


10.1 During the term of this Agreement and for a period of two (2) years from the date of its termination. Any information that becomes available to the PARTIES as a result of the PARTIES executing their obligations under this Agreement shall be treated as confidential information of the respective PARTY and shall constitute its trade secret, except for the information explicitly stated to be non-confidential.

10.2 The PARTIES will take necessary measures to prevent third parties from access to this information, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.

10.3. Should one of the PARTIES, as well as its employees and officers, violate the provisions of this Article, the PARTY that has committed such violation shall reimburse the injured PARTY for all losses caused by such violation.

10.4 The fact of entering into this Agreement is not confidential information.


11.1. The PARTIES shall be released from the responsibility for partial or full failure to execute their obligations under this Agreement if such failure was caused by a force majeure provided that such circumstances had a direct effect on execution of the obligations by the PARTIES. Circumstances of insuperable force are understood in accordance with Clause 3 of Article 401 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The fact of occurrence of such circumstances must be confirmed by the competent authorities of the place of occurrence of these circumstances.

11.2 The PARTY referring to the force majeure circumstances shall immediately, but not later than in 48 (Forty eight) hours from their start, inform the other PARTY in writing about the occurrence and termination of the said circumstances and their impact on the possibility to execute the obligation. Failure to timely notify of the occurrence of force majeure shall deprive the violating PARTY of the right to be released from liability for non-execution/improper execution of obligations under this Agreement.

11.3 Force majeure shall postpone the execution of obligations by the PARTIES for the duration of the relevant circumstance. In the event of failure to execute its obligations for a period exceeding two (2) calendar months, each of the PARTIES shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement without liability for damages.


12.1 The PARTIES shall take all necessary measures to ensure that any disputes, controversies or claims that may arise during the execution of this Agreement will be resolved through negotiations.

12.2 All disputes and disagreements arising in connection with the execution of the obligations under this Agreement, and which the PARTIES cannot settle independently, shall be settled by the Arbitration Court of Moscow.

12.3 The laws of the Russian Federation shall apply to this Agreement.


14.1. This Agreement and all Appendices to it fully exhaust the agreement between the PARTIES regarding the right to use the SYSTEM and supersede all other agreements and declarations made orally or in writing prior to the signing of this Agreement.

14.2 All Appendices to this Agreement are an integral part thereof.

14.3. Transfer of obligations under this Agreement by any of the PARTIES is possible only with prior written notice to the other PARTY at least 1 (One) calendar month in advance and written consent of the other PARTY.

14.4. Any notices mentioned in this Agreement shall be made in writing, signed by an authorized representative of the PARTY and sent to the postal address of the recipient PARTY specified in Article 16 of the Agreement. For the purpose of quicker notification it is allowed to send scanned copies of the notifications via fax or e-mail with further obligatory submission of the original document to the notified PARTY.

14.5. LICENSEE has the right to indicate the USER in the list of users of the SYSTEM, and to publish this list in various materials and/or in the Internet.

14.6 All terms specified in this Agreement are calendar, unless otherwise explicitly agreed.